
Long train journey. Narrow. Not much light. We sat on the floor. The little girl had a backpack on her. She was small, but she seemed though, especially for her age. She didn’t cry nor waver. I saw no fear nor doubt in her eyes, her movements. She took out a bottle from her backpack, I helped her drink by holding the bottle, careful not to spill anything inside a shaky train. 

Besides her was a little boy—her little brother—quiet and composed, following her big sister, the only ‘adult’ whom he knew. I didn’t know where they would go, she didn’t tell and I didn’t ask. I didn’t know why there was no grown up accompanying them. When the train stopped, I hugged her for a goodbye. Both of them continued on their journey.



The dream was a bit more random that above. Well, dream is always random, right? We never know how it start, jumping from one scene to another, people whose face we don’t remember anymore once we wake up, but this part of the dream, I remember clearly after waking up. I immediately grabbed my phone and took a note, exactly as written above. I could heard my heart pounding.

It doesn’t sound like a nightmare, isn’t it? But, it is a nightmare to me. Not because of what happened, but how it made me feel afterwards.

I felt lonely and anxious when I saw that little girl who was about to embark on a new journey with responsibilities in her hands. I hope she’s okay.

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